Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mid-Term Submission

I choose to formulate my magazine in this way because I though it went well with my aesthetic of my magazine in general. I wanted it to be authentic and not look like I threw it together at the last second because I really did think about every aspect in this magazine. I thought about the camera shots the angles the font the color scheme. I wanted ti to be an informative magazine, but also one that would attract many different audiences. I tried to make the article had some fun information so anyone could learn more about Sarasota and why it should be the reader's next travel location. I thought it was very fitting to have the article be about Sarasota as a destination spot because of the many touristy attractions in Sarasota, and because it already is really a travel destination for a lot of people.

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Final Submission

So this is my final submission, and I was finally able to get my magazine to look exactly how I wanted it. I was able to finally ...