Sunday, November 17, 2019

Magazine Genre Research

This travel magazine offers an opening scene to its reader because at first place the reader will already know what it is. There is a picture of a restaurant and some people enjoying their food which can draw the reader in if they were looking for a good travel magazine. The color scheme uses bright colors the draws eyes to that certain cover so that someone will hopefully pick it up and start reading. The advertisement on the front exclaims that the reader can discover the World one bite at a time in numerous amounts of countries. The cover also opens up to reveal more information about traveling. This is an interesting touch because it makes the cover interactive and more interesting than a regular cover. This magazine fully encompasses the food and restaurant aspect in traveling. So, it's not a specific travel magazine, but it is branching out from the norms. I think this would be a very successful magazine because it isn't just a regular travel magazine, but so much more.

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Final Submission

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