Monday, November 4, 2019

Project Selection-My Decision

I chose the magazine project to do because I think is is the more attainable option for me to complete. I also am excited for this project and the factors that are included in the project. Some of my determining factors are that I didn't have anyone to work with for the film project, but also I really enjoy the element the magazine project includes. I am excited for the photoshoots I get to conduct. I also am excited for the editing process of the magazine. I do enjoy doing things like this and organizing it myself. I like to be the leader of the group and be in control of my project. So, do the magazine project allows me to be in control of what happens with my project and not have my fate be in the hands of other group members.

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Final Submission

So this is my final submission, and I was finally able to get my magazine to look exactly how I wanted it. I was able to finally ...