Wednesday, January 29, 2020

InDesignArt of the Title

Today in class we utilized Adobe Indesign to lay out our two page spread. I had a pretty educational time with this program because I learned a lot of how to use it, but also how I can apply this information to other things. At the end of us learning all of the new things I felt comfortable navigating the software on my own. I think I ended up picking up the skill pretty fast because I have use Adobe programs before, so I already had some previous knowledge. I think I will be able to use this program to further revise my magazine because of how easy it was to use.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Audience Engagement Research

Image result for world travel magazine
World Travel magazine and my magazine have similar target audience because  of our appeal to young adults and people who have time to travel the world. They also have a pretty appealing color scheme that has a pretty aesthetic that really appeals to our similar target audiences. World travel magazine markets their product through their instagram. Their page has numerous amounts of followers and really appeals to both our target audience because it approaches them on the same social media platform that they are using.  There are also ads on Instagram for their magazine which really helps spread their magazine throughout the Internet to the right people. I would also use instagram to advertise my magazine similarly to The World Travel Magazine.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Target Audience Research

My target audience has an age of between 18-30. This is because my magazine targets people who want to travel for a part of their life or experience traveling in their early twenties. My aesthetic fits right in with this age group because it is mainly older Generation Z and Young Millennial. These type of people grew up with technology and watched it evolve. This means they also started the trend of social media and my magazine is very aesthetically driven and eye pleasing driven. I think my magazine is new and well put together for my target audience. I really am aiming toward ambitious females or males. It really is for anyone that is interested in seeing the world and traveling. It is for people who want a safe and cost effective way to travel because my magazine has articles aimed for informing people, while also keeping the magazine feel fun and modern. Obviously anyone that wants to travel will need some money to this would be advertise to the middle and upper class just because of the cost. Even though this magazine would provide ways to save money it will still be costly. My target audience doesn't really need to have a specific education level, but it will usually be people who are wanting a gap year between high school or college or people that want to find who they are after college.

Feedback and Revision plan

I plan on changing the way my title is on my cover page because you cant see the word Florida. I also need to add or enlarge on of my article pictures to make it like a dominant picture. This will really introduce my topic in more inviting way instead of just having a bunch of little photos. I also have to inser some of my interviews into my article because I forgot to do that for my midterm submission. I have to change the article around a bit so I will be completing that as well for a revision.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Use of Conventions

I think my magazine challenges the conventions of my genre by creating an aesthetic and color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. The social groups that are presented are predominately  white people communities. Although, the model I used for my main photos is Argentinian which shows a bit of diversity in this beautiful city of Sarasota. I really tried to make my magazine stand out to a specific realm of people. I also, I wanted my articles to inform people and not just be a fun filled magazine.

Final Submission

So this is my final submission, and I was finally able to get my magazine to look exactly how I wanted it. I was able to finally ...