Sunday, November 17, 2019

Magazine Genre Research

This travel magazine uses a beautiful sunset picture with vibrant colors to portray an uplifting mood. The articles and advertisements are clearly stated all over the front cover. For, Instance, Secret Summer Islands: grilled fish, chilled rosé, and no tourists, 24 sleepy Med specks the crowds can't find. This article title really gets the reader into believing they can achieve the ultimate vacation if they read this magazine. The magazine is saying that it has all the answers. Then the cover goes on to have examples of different countries with things travelers can do in these countries. This magazine is really selling me on wanting to travel more and get out there. The color scheme as I said was vibrant and colorful, but it also is consistent which is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Magazine Genre Research

This travel magazine offers an opening scene to its reader because at first place the reader will already know what it is. There is a picture of a restaurant and some people enjoying their food which can draw the reader in if they were looking for a good travel magazine. The color scheme uses bright colors the draws eyes to that certain cover so that someone will hopefully pick it up and start reading. The advertisement on the front exclaims that the reader can discover the World one bite at a time in numerous amounts of countries. The cover also opens up to reveal more information about traveling. This is an interesting touch because it makes the cover interactive and more interesting than a regular cover. This magazine fully encompasses the food and restaurant aspect in traveling. So, it's not a specific travel magazine, but it is branching out from the norms. I think this would be a very successful magazine because it isn't just a regular travel magazine, but so much more.

Magazine Genre Research

This magazine cover portrays a picture of beautiful home living. It is basically advertising for living in the Lakewood Ranch area in Florida. The magazine cover has one advertisement on it advertising one of the articles included in the magazine. The article is called 25 years of life on the ranch or top reasons to love living here. This is a pretty drawing title for those who are looking for good neighborhoods to live in. Some articles included in this magazine are 25 reasons to love our community on its 25th birthday and Local artisans show the magic behind their creations. These articles are trying to get its readers interested about this area. Also, the advertisements are geared towards people who could possibly be looking to buy a house or start a family. So this magazine is not much of a travel magazine but more about the destination and home life in general.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Magazine Genre Research

This magazine cover clearly depicts a scenic view of a mountain from a travelers perspective. Also, this picture makes the reader want to be there themselves which is the appeal to all travel magazines. There is minimal words on the front cover because this is a destination magazine and it is more professional and not mass media. Additionally, the picture speaks for itself and there is no need for excessive wording on the cover. Some article titles included in this magazine are Social hiking, The Philosophers' Mountains, Time Traveler, and Capturing the Spirit. This magazine has more personal articles written to be relatable and help the reader to want to do the things that the people in the articles did. There are also numerous amounts of photography inside this magazine to show what is really out there.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Magazine Genre Research

This magazine cover utilized a lot of blue tones to really draw the reader into wanting the magazine.  A beautiful scene is set with this pretty girl sitting in the middle of the frame with the words travel above it. If I ran into this magazine I would definitely want to go out and travel because this picture portrays this perfect picture of traveling. There is an aesthetic to this cover the will draw the eyes of people while they walk by. It is important to theme and color code because this can draw in a variety of readers from all different walks of life. The different articles included in this magazine are great places to travel, hotel or ideas for places to stay in these travel spots, different shopping that is available for travelers, and the different culinary experiences travelers can experience. The advertisements on the cover are for the different articles inside the magazine. These titles are very intriguing and include various different travel ideas. The color scheme stays the same throughout the magazine which is very appealing to readers. the distribution number for this magazine is 420,000.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

Project Selection-My Decision

I chose the magazine project to do because I think is is the more attainable option for me to complete. I also am excited for this project and the factors that are included in the project. Some of my determining factors are that I didn't have anyone to work with for the film project, but also I really enjoy the element the magazine project includes. I am excited for the photoshoots I get to conduct. I also am excited for the editing process of the magazine. I do enjoy doing things like this and organizing it myself. I like to be the leader of the group and be in control of my project. So, do the magazine project allows me to be in control of what happens with my project and not have my fate be in the hands of other group members.

Final Submission

So this is my final submission, and I was finally able to get my magazine to look exactly how I wanted it. I was able to finally ...