Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mid-Term Submission

I choose to formulate my magazine in this way because I though it went well with my aesthetic of my magazine in general. I wanted it to be authentic and not look like I threw it together at the last second because I really did think about every aspect in this magazine. I thought about the camera shots the angles the font the color scheme. I wanted ti to be an informative magazine, but also one that would attract many different audiences. I tried to make the article had some fun information so anyone could learn more about Sarasota and why it should be the reader's next travel location. I thought it was very fitting to have the article be about Sarasota as a destination spot because of the many touristy attractions in Sarasota, and because it already is really a travel destination for a lot of people.

Scouting Locations for Photo Shoots

I chose this location because it best fit my travel magazine aesthetic. I have a color scheme of bright colors like blue and yellow. These colors are really appealing to the eyes and attract the type of audience I am targeting. These colors are very prevalent in today's fashion and trends so most people will be gravitated towards this magazine.These photos were taken on Siesta Key, which was my main focus point for photo spots. I liked this area because of the walls and the vacation feel I got when I was walking around this area.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Actual Photo Shoot

These pictures were all taken on the 21st of December in 2019 at Siesta Key Village. I took a variety of shots of my model Carolina Der-Bougassin. She was a very cooperative model who followed well to my instruction during the shoot but also helped me when I got stuck for different camera angles or shots. In a way she had some creative freedom to pose the way she wanted, but I still directed her to do certain things with her face or hold her shoes in a specific way so I could get the shot I wanted. This photo shoot I also took some landscape shots for the magazine. This was strictly of the location we were in to advertise the happy vibes Siesta Key Village gives off.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Actual Interview

I conducted this interview on 12/17/2019. I walked around Siesta Village yesterday, asking pedestrians about their experiences in Sarasota, and what the best parts were. I picked two people up who people who were willing to answer the few questions I had about this are. They explained to me their favorite parts and elements of the city. 

Ann Garth

Interview Conducted on 12/171

What drew you to Sarasota? 
“Sarasota has always been me and my husband’s home away from home because the rest of our family lives here.” 
What attractions have you enjoyed the most in Sarasota? 
“We always enjoy going to the beaches in Sarasota and roaming around Siesta Key has always been my favorite because of all the activities that go on.” 
Has it been an easy and carefree experience travelling or vacationing here? 
“I think so, mainly because we have family here, but also because we can always find something to do in this city.” 
Are you a part-time resident here or are you just traveling here for the first time? 
“I am a part time resident. Me and my husband always come down here to avoid the cold winters up north, but also to spend the holidays with our family.” 
Any favorite restaurants around town that were amazing to your taste pallet? 
“We really enjoy Veronica’s. It is a seafood restaurant that serves numerous amounts of choices on the menu an they have great service there!"

Allisson Barcibo

Interview Conducted on 12/17/10

What drew you to Sarasota?
"I had always wanted to come to Florida because of the wonderful weather, and the theme parks in Orlando because I love Disney."
What attraction have you most enjoyed in Sarasota?
"I really love the University Town Center (UTC) because I am a shop-a-holic! I also really enjoy the shops in the Siesta Key Village."
Has it been an easy and carefree experience travelling or vacationing here?
"It has been really easy traveling here and our hotel is very accessible to many different places around town. This is because it is downtown so everything is within reach."

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Schedule Photo Shootss

I will be photographing touristy areas around Sarasota, portraying some beautiful landscapes or beach areas for my magazine. I will be taking pictures of my model Carolina Der Boghossian, who will be posing either around the celery field area or the beach area. This photo shoot will take place during the week of 16/12-20/12 of 2019. This is due to my full schedule this week and having to schedule it for next week. Depending on the weather will decide the location of the pictures. I also have considered going to Marina Jacks for pictures as well.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Schedule Interview

I will interview some tourists that I find at popular places around town in Sarasota. These people will have first-hand experience with traveling in the are and its accessibility. I will also interview people who have travel experience in general and not just around this area. This way the information in  mmy interviews will be perfect for using in my article. I will be using questions like these to help the interviewer give me the right information.

What drew you to Sarasota?
What attractions have you enjoyed the most in Sarasota?
Has it been an easy and carefree experience travelling or vacationing here?
Are you a part-time resident here or are you just traveling here for the first time?
What brings you back if you are not new here?
Any favorite restaurants around town that were amazing to your taste pallet?
How is etting around town? Is everything easily accessible?

When I am taking photos with my model I will be interviewing people around us because I plan on taking pictures around the touristy areas of town. I also will interview people who live here and explain why they have stayed here. This interview will proably take place over the week of 12/9-12/14.

Flat Plan

My flat plan includes numerous different article titles and different interactive things to keep the reader interested and to keep them reading. Things like Secret photo spots in Florida is an article title and there is also a Personality quiz to help the reader ddecide which place in Florida is best for them. These different elements help ingagae the reader and so they will read more additions of the magazine in the future and not just this issue.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Table of Contents

 I am listing the articles I am because they are very enticing articles with memorable titles that will draw any reader in. I also just added the page numbers for these articles so there is easy access to the exact pages that the articles occur on. I also am using three pictures directly from the articles themselves to entice the reader more and to get mt target audience more interested in my magazine. Also, my color scheme will be fluid throughout the magazine which is very appealing to the audience I am trying to tailor too.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Cover template

I came up with this title when brainstorming some ideas for travel magazines. This title clearly introduces the subject area this magazine will cover as well which is why I liked it. Also, for each of the different issues this magazine can have a different destination. I also used the fonts I did because this way it was keeping up with the aesthetic of the magazine. These fonts allow the reader to conclude that this magazine has a cohesive color scheme and a appealing articles.

Final Submission

So this is my final submission, and I was finally able to get my magazine to look exactly how I wanted it. I was able to finally ...